By Lyndie Blevins on Sunday, 20 June 2021
Category: The Sage Record

Happy Father's Day 2021

A few years ago, on a road trip thought the Hill country, I drove through Dublin, the home of Dr Pepper. When I saw this statue, I had to stop and take a photo. Dr Pepper was a mainstay our home. While we always had enough that we weren’t faced with ‘sharing’ a bottle, this still reminds me of those days with my Dad. 

When I went through cancer treatment in 2003, Dad slept at my house, drove me wherever I needed to go, and knew just how much Ensure I would able to try to get down on the bad days. The next year, I found this statue that he had in the office until it moved with him to my house. 

One afternoon, my father and my sister-in-law were discussing an issue of the day, for which, they were on the opposing sides. In frustration, she said, “I don’t know how someone so conservative could raise such liberal children.”

He respond with great frustration with on of favorite new sayings, 

“I know! I thought them to think for themselves, and look where it got me!”

As much as I love and admire my Dad, no now has amazed me as a father as my brother. What a privilege it has been to watch him love and nurture his children. 

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