The Sage Record

The Sage Record

Lyndie Blevins blogging from Sage-Texas where you can expect greater things to come

Review - Liberty Belle

As Patricia PacJac Carroll’s debut novel, Liberty Belle, provides an action packed tale of twenty year old Libby Longstreet’s search for independence and freedom in 1850.


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Review - Liberty Belle

As Patricia PacJac Carroll’s debut novel, Liberty Belle, provides an action packed tale of twenty year old Libby Longstreet’s search for independence and freedom in 1850.


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The cost of independence

Jun 7, 1776 Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence.


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Review - The Creative Life

Review - The Creative Life


The Creative Life

True Tales of Inspiration 

Finding your true north

Julia Cameron 

ISBN 978-1-58542-824-3  2010

Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin NY

pages 235   Biography

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Review - The Hunger Games Trilogy

Have you been caught up in the hype about the Hunger games trilogy?


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Review of Beautiful Battle - Mary DeMuth

Somewhere between facing cancer and embracing God’s call on my life, I found myself unprepared for the spiritual warfare I faced.



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Are you getting most from you tweets? Book Review of Twitter Power

Cover of Twitter Power 

Book Title
  Twitter Power
How to Dominate Your Market One
                                  Tweet At a Time
 Book Author       Joel Comm
 Publisher              John Wiley & Sons
 Pub. Year  2009
 Pages      245
 Genre      Social Media
 My Rating  ♥♥♥♥♥   
 Ease of Read    Twitter like ease
 ISBN    978=-0-478-458426
I was attracted to this book because...
   This book was released in 2009 as I entered into the writing world. I and no idea what Twitter was and how to use social media with my writing. It took me 3+ years to get to it, and there is another edition out already. 
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Celebrate Pentecost

Today is the Feasts of Weeks, the Old Testament celebration of the early, summer harvest or the First Fruits. 



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May 4, 1970 and Kent State

May 4 has significance for me. I wrote about it last year.

What Kent State meant to me.

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Remembering Oklahoma City

In 1995, I learned life can’t be taken for granted.


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The rest of the story...

The rest of the story...

Deut. 34, Luke 9:26-37, Eph. 3:20


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Colorado was organized in 1861

The following was posted in the AP’s Today in history, 


The Territory of Colorado was organized.

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Farewell to a special lady

This afternoon we laid to rest my last great aunt. She was three weeks shy of her 102 birthday. 


When she was 90, I think, she gave her apartment and moved into a ‘retirement’ center where she became the life of the third floor. 

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Surviving Judgment -Background passage Deut 30:6-8

The LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the hearts of your descendants, and you will love Him with all your heart and all your soul so that you will live. The LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you. Then you will again obey Him and follow all His commands I am giving you today. HSCB


The one difficulty of coming to know Jesus at an early age is holding on to your childhood theology. It is easy to understand the basic concepts of God’s love and actions and our appropriate response. Jesus loves me and died for me. Many of God’s other mysteries like sanctification or propitiation, become words mashed into the easier understood concepts. 

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Archie Manning's football legacy

Toward the end of the regular football season, I was amused by an article discussing the legacy of players like Tony Roma and Tom Brady. The author asked had we already seen their legacies or were they still begin shaped?   


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What are you doing for your country?

Fifty-one years ago John F. Kennedy asked those powerful words,

"Ask not what your country can do for you, rather ask what can you do for your country."

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Pearl Harbor Day and 9-11

For those who wonder if our descendants will understand how we were effected by 9-11, we should just think about what Pearl Harbor still means to all of us.

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I'm sad for collegiate sports

I all the years I have been a fan of collegiate sports, the one program, I never expected a scandal from was Joe Paterno's. I've always respected what he did on and off the field. With today's re-arrest of the assistant coach I am just sad and my image of honor among coaches tarnished a little more.

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Ouida Finch Peterson

Today one of my oldest (oldest in Lyndie time) friends is being laid to rest and my heart is for today breaking. 


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Beneath The Texas Sky, the third book in The Lazy M Ranch series

Beneath The Texas Sky, the third book in The Lazy M Ranch series

Written by Kasandra Elaine, the writing team of Kassy Paris and Elaine Bonner

Beneath The Texas Sky published by Wild Rose Publishing in 2009,

ISBN 0-9712522-2-X

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Where We Are Located

Lyndie Blevins

P.O. Box 381029
Duncanville, Tx 75138