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The Sage Record

Lyndie Blevins blogging from Sage-Texas where you can expect greater things to come

What I learned building Nehemiah’s wall in First Grade Sunday School.


While I was teaching first grade Sunday School, we studied Nehemiah. I wanted the children to experience working together to build the wall brick by brick. I also wanted them to experience their part in building the wall. 

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Trust30 My Personal Message

To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. – Ralph Waldo Emerson



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Growing your tribe

I don't know if he intended this, but Seth Godin's post today is a great description of how our Christian faith has grown.


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Only Jesus

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Looking for a cool spot?

Last week, the outside air conditioning unit servicing my bedroom froze. I slept in the living room with a fan. The temperature inside hovered around 80. I have little tolerance of heat in this menopause phase of life. Oh, how I longed for a cool place.


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Which kind of leader are you?


I loved Jotham’s story of the trees looking for a leader in Judges. I took away two different thoughts. 

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Life after death - lightness or darkness?

Criminal Minds - Epilogue shown on July 25, 2012


Last night on Criminal Minds was a beautiful scene about the possibility of life and death.


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The Slavery issue has to be resolved...

AP Highlight in History: 

On June 16, 1858, Accepting the Illinois Republican Party's nomination for the U.S. Senate, Abraham Lincoln said the slavery issue had to be resolved, declaring, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."


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Favored by Grace

One of the recurring themes at Aunt Faye’s service was our family being favored by grace. It was a message spoken by the pastor and in their own way each family member who spoke. 



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Celebrate Pentecost

Today is the Feasts of Weeks, the Old Testament celebration of the early, summer harvest or the First Fruits. 



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The rest of the story...

The rest of the story...

Deut. 34, Luke 9:26-37, Eph. 3:20


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Surviving Judgment -Background passage Deut 30:6-8

The LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the hearts of your descendants, and you will love Him with all your heart and all your soul so that you will live. The LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you. Then you will again obey Him and follow all His commands I am giving you today. HSCB


The one difficulty of coming to know Jesus at an early age is holding on to your childhood theology. It is easy to understand the basic concepts of God’s love and actions and our appropriate response. Jesus loves me and died for me. Many of God’s other mysteries like sanctification or propitiation, become words mashed into the easier understood concepts. 

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What will you stand for today?

History shows on October 16th wars have started and ended in dramatic ways, 

  • Marie Antoinette lost her head
  • John Brow raided Harper’s Ferry
  • The Cubian Crises began
  • The ‘hapless expansion team the New York Mets beat the powerhouse Baltimore Orioles 4 games to one to win the World Series
  • Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho negotiated a cease fire in Vietnam
  • Desmond Tuti won the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Louis Farrakhan led the Million Man March
  • David Trimble and John Hume won the Nobel Peace Prize for brokering the peace accord in Northern Ireland
  • President George W. Bush sign the congressional resolution authorizing the war in Iraq

I’m listening to Casting Crowns sing Courageous. Fitting isn’t it on a day when men have stood in courage for things they believed would make the world a better place. 

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The spinning effect of multitasking

Whenever I think I have fully recovered from chemo, something happens to remind of how devastating the effects were on me.


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Freedom Costs - Are you willing to pay?

From Today in History. 

On this day in 1775, Congress issues $2 million in bills of credit. 


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What questions are you facing? - and the answer

It doesn’t take many weeks of Sunday School to realize there is only one answer you need to know. Whatever question is asked by the teacher, Jesus is the only answer. 


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Do you remember Abraham, Martin and John?

Today, in 1968, Bobby Kennedy was killed. I can’t think of the day, without remembering the song, Abraham, Martin and John.

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Trust30 Day 5 Where in the world would you like to go?

Travel by Chris Guillebeau


If we live truly, we shall see truly. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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One Strong Belief by Buster Benson Trust30 Day 3

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

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Selling Nuts to Squirrels and The Great Commission

Reading Seth Godin’s blog on marketing today made me think of the Great Commission. He recommends the best avenue is to sell nuts to squirrels, rather than attempting to change the audience’s world view, unless you want to be a world changer.

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Where We Are Located

Lyndie Blevins

P.O. Box 381029
Duncanville, Tx 75138